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  Crystal Factory
信息标题: Crystal Factory
信息类型: 供应
产品名称: Crystal Factory
价格说明: 0
发布日期: 2009/11/24 11:45:34
有效期至: 2010/2/22 11:45:34
详细内容: Crystal crafts is a high quality form of glass, produced with lead oxide, polished on wheel by hands which creates light reflection. The 90% of output in world is made in zhejiang china. Etime Crystal is a manufatune speacilice in crystal crafts and gifts Factory located near Yiwu City, which have a small commodity market in China.The main products include Decorative and gifts, Souvenir, Medal, Cigarette jars such as.Besides the figues in website, welcome give us your design or drawings, we will supply you the best crystal crafts in your head. Tel :86-13505745847 mail: onewei@163.net Address: 浙江宁波Room 509, KeChuang Building, Buzhen Xiang, West Zhongshan Road, Ningbo,China Zip:315000 Tel: 86-86-87487030 Contact: weione HomePage: http://www.crystalcraft.cn/
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