Domestic ferrosilicon market continues going weak, and producers’ quotation prices are in confusion. At present, small and medium-sized producers mainstream quotation price of 75# is 6500-6600yuan RMB/ton, 72# 6300-6400yuan RMB/ton, while in Mongolia, 75#6600yuan RMB/ton, 72# 6400yuan RMB/ton. Large producer quoted 6800-6900yuan RMB/ton for 75#. As the wet season come in Yunnan province, Hunnan province, and Sichuan province, electric energy price dropped a little, but government discourage high energy consuming enterprises, so the electric energy price are higher than past years.
National Development and Reform Commission dispatch document which will generally reduce preferential electric energy price for high energy consuming enterprises, so there is little room for market price to drop. Electric energy cost account 70-80% of ferrosilicon cost, so the re-rise of electric energy price is another test for ferrosilicon enterprises and ferroalloy enterprises, and the price will go up. While, some enterprises doubt the government’s implementation degree of the state’s policy. |