The vanadium market in China has become stronger.It is difficult for down-stream enterprises to purchase due to the tightness of vanadium flake spots.Vanadiumalloy companies have treasured their products and rised its price, which pushs the market forward.The whole vanadium market has continued to go up influenced by many factors.
1、Vanadium flake spots are insufficient.Most of vanadiumalloy companies said that it is still hard to but spots although the increase in price is accepted. Some companies have also actively purchase ammonium metavanadate and vanadium powder as supplements, but spots are still hard to buy.
2、Ferromoly companies assesment has rised rapidly. Producers have increased their offer up to more than 20,0000 yuan/t on the basis of their expectations on subsequent trend and the difficulty of buying materials.Producers are reluctant to sell stocks they only possess.
3、Vanadium nitrogen alloy markets have enchanced gradually.On one hand, steelmakers have rised their tender price。On the other hand, The difficulty of buying vanadium flakes has impact on producers assessment.Producers have increased their tender to more than 29,0000/t.