This week,molybdenum concentrate mainstream assessment still maintains firm.Although market inquiries increase gradually,companies take cautious about purchasing raw materials due to downstream product conclusions remain weak.The molybenum market has seen a stalemate and kept stable with steady conclusions ,and trading volumes have not seen obvious expansion.
1、Molybenum concentrate volumes have not been released temporarily
At present,assessment from large-scaled mines remains firm. The market takes cautious about buying orders ,and deals are relatively less.Some concentrate stocks in bulk and low-grade mines have come into the market gradually,but the total volumes are small.Sellers are still reluctant to sell at a low level.Meanwhile purchasements are made for rigid demand.Molybdenum concentrate volumes remain stable temporarily.
The market pressure become evident gradually.Down-stream enterprises have not released their purchasement totally.While with production goes on,mining companies may be willing to sell. How does the market trade release is a major concern of the current market.
2、The dilemma of ferromoly market has not been broken
Molybdenum concentrate remains firm.Assessment from large-scaled sellers maintains at 10,8000-11,2000 yuan/t,while ferromoly have mainly been dealed at a low level.
Ferromoly markets have seen an obvious competation.Steelmakers have purchased ferromoly at a low price for a long time.Ferromoly cost is upside down.The fact that processing companies gain or lose slight profits has sparked bigger pressure on production and management. The dilemma of ferromoly market remains to be broken.
3、Molybdenum chemicals and deep-processing market maintain stable
Slight changes have been made on molybdenum chemicals price, and deals hve been conducted appropriately.Currently,the mainstream assessment and actual conclusions of first-class ammonium molybdate are at 10,8000-11,000 yuan/t.The first-class ammonium dimolybdate is at 11,0000-11,2000 yuan/t, ammonium heptamolybdate at 11,2000-11,5000 yuan/t, high pure molybdenum trioxide at 13,4000-13,6000 yuan/t and sodium molybdate at 7,7000-8,0000 yuan/t.
There are not big changes in raw materials market.The molybdenum depp-processing market remains stable with the support of raw materials. At present,first-class molybdenum powder mainstream assessment maintain at 22,5000-23,0000 yuan/t.The market demand is not big,and large producers keep steady delivery.The market sentiment is also calm.
Summary:The molybdenum marke maintains steady conclusions under the support of firm marterials.Meanwhile,market pressures still continue to accumulate.Divergences between demand and supply become severe instead of being settled,with stalemate continues. |