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Tungsten Market Analysis(Jul.16th) Long-Term Orders of Major Tungsten Enterprises are Announced, Waiting for Guidance on Market Transaction Direction
   Hits:   UpdateTime:2024/7/16 13:19:11
Keyword:Tungsten market,daily
Elan Website Press:

I.The Tungsten Concentrate Market Continues to Decline

Yesterday, new long-term orders from large enterprises were successively announced. The prices of 55 Wolframite Concentrate and Scheelite Concentrate are 130,000 yuan/standard ton and 129,000 yuan/standard ton respectively, a decrease of 4,500 yuan/standard ton compared to the first half of the year in average. As the market continues to decline, both supply and demand sides are becoming increasingly cautious. Downstream demand has not yet shown a clear improvement.


II.APT Price Continues to Decline

The price announcement of APT's long-term orders in the second half of the month is in line with market expectations. The continuous decline in the price of tungsten concentrate has led to a continued drop in APT prices. Market demand is shrinking, with a small number of inquiries and a downward shift in bargaining levels. Most companies still primarily supply long-term orders.


III.The Tungsten Powder Market Will Make a New Round of Adjustment

Yesterday, the prices of new long-term orders from large enterprises were successively announced, and the prices were adjusted to a certain extent. Downstream demand has not improved yet. At present, powder companies still have a certain amount of high-priced inventory, and price transmission still takes some time. It is expected that there will still be a possibility of further decline in the short term.


IV.Tungsten Scrap Market Remains Weak

Some products in the tungsten scrap market adjusted the offer. At present, there are not many transactions in the market, which is not enough to support the accurate price, and the weak trend remains. With the announcement of the price of new long-term orders, it is recommended to operate cautiously in the near future.


V.Ferrotungsten Market Price Continues to Decrease

With the release of long-term orders from large enterprises, the overall tungsten market is expected to continue its downward trend. The general quotation for ferrotungsten(70%) is already below 210,000 yuan/mt, and the general quotation for ferrotungsten(80%) has also reached 220,000 yuan/mt.


In summary, the tungsten concentrate market is still experiencing a downward adjustment. Due to the ongoing imbalance between supply and demand, the overall cautious sentiment remains. At present, the market trading volume is still low. Tungsten concentrate enterprises have narrowed their price concession space, and the demand follow-up atmosphere remains weak. The price of tungsten concentrate is about to fall to the starting point of the previous upward trend. The attention of all parties has significantly increased, and there has been no obvious increase in trading volume yet.

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