Vanadium markets in China have experienced a great increase in recent days,which is faster than last week.Vanadium companies for materials are lack of production influenced by environmental problems.Down-stream vanadium alloy companies have rises its price and are reluctant to sell,due to the uptick in price,which facilitates the rebounce of market.
1、Vanadium flake markets are pretty active,but lack of conclutions,which mainly caused by the imbalance between demand and supply.A lot of enterprises have reported that the effect is under expectations although they play actively in purchasing ,and only a small amount of transactions reached 19,3000-19,5000 yuan/t of cash.
2、Ferrovanadium companies are reluctant to sell ,and some assessment have up to 20,0000-20,5000 yuan/t.Companies in China have rised their assessment due to two reasons .On one hand ,ferrovanadium enterprises are generally short of inventory sparked by spot consumptions in May and the inability to purchase raw materials for production in June.On the other hand ,European ferrovanadium market has gone up.
3、Steelmakers have continued to tender vanadium nitrogen alloy with its bid price between 28,4800-28,8000 yuan/t.Vanadium nitrogen companies have increased its assessment up to 29,0000-29,5000 yuan/t gradually as a result of cost ,but lack of conclusions. |